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Part 21: Michael Jai White & Vlad Argue if Bruce Lee is the 2Pac of Martial Arts
Part 19: Michael Jai White Rates Rappers Who Act: Ice Cube, Method Man, Will Smith, Latifah
Part 1: Michael Jai White on Diddy Settling with Cassie, Doesn't Think It's Money Grab


Michael Jai White revealed his film-making budget ranges between $2 million and $5 million. Relying on private investors rather than personal funds, he discussed the advantage of having satisfied investors who are happy with returns. He emphasized the importance of creating films with overseas appeal, specifically citing countries like Bulgaria and Germany as potential markets. Michael Jai White makes certain his films resonate with diverse audiences, considering any cultural influences. He referenced Fred Williamson, one of the rare African Americans behind the camera who made movies in Italy. The actor also mentioned his positive interaction with actor Terrence Howard over their shared roles and business insights. The discussion also brought to light the reality of indie filmmaking, where renowned actors like Howard earn as low as $12,000.