In a startling incident, a security guard was attacked by a bear inside the luxurious St. Regis Hotel in Aspen, Colorado. The hungry bear managed to find its way into the building, prompting hotel staff to search for the unwelcome guest. It was during this search that the security guard ventured into the kitchen, and unfortunately, came face to face with the bear.

The attack was swift and powerful, with the bear lunging at the guard and knocking him to the ground. The startled guard managed to gather himself and quickly called 911 for help. He was subsequently rushed to the hospital with scratches on his back.

Wildlife officers were called in to locate the bear, and the following day, they found it not far from the hotel. The bear was identified by a distinctive white patch on its chest. According to wildlife officials, Colorado is home to around 17 to 20,000 bears, and encounters like these can occur if proper precautions are not taken.

Experts suggest that most human-bear conflicts arise due to a lack of precautionary measures. In this particular case, the hotel kitchen was clean and did not have any easily accessible food, ruling out the possibility that the bear was attracted by a readily available meal.

Colorado state has strict rules about bear encounters, with three main reasons for euthanizing a bear. Unfortunately, in this case, the bear had to be euthanized. It is worth noting that bears are known to be opportunistic when it comes to finding food sources, and it's essential for residents and businesses to take preventive steps to avoid such interactions. Basic measures, such as securing trash cans and eliminating any potential food sources, can go a long way in minimizing these incidents.

Source: Youtube