In a recent interview between Vlad and DJ Akademiks, the pair discussed their continued support of each other's platforms, highlighting the mutual respect and exchange of business advice. However, the main topic centered on the detailed reporting by Vlad on the murder of Tupac Shakur. DJ Akademiks credited Vlad with his deep dive analysis into key moments in music history. Vlad's authority and detail in recounting Tupac's fatal shooting were commended, and the interview discussed how Vlad's reporting on the incident mirrors the recent FBI arrest. Vlad's conversations bring a comprehensive representation of historic moments in music, marking him as a top-tier music journalist providing audiences with in-depth views into iconic periods in music history. DJ Akademiks applauded Vlad's skills and the work he has done in documenting these key events.
EXCLUSIVE: Akademiks Thought Vlad was Lying When He Said He Solved 2Pac's Murder 4 Years Ago

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