Mexico's first public congressional hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), also known as UFOs, took place on Tuesday and showcased the remains of alleged "non-human" beings. The two stuffed bodies were discovered in Peru in 2017 and are believed to be between 700 and 1,800 years old. The bodies have elongated heads and only three fingers on each hand, leading to speculation about their extraterrestrial origin.

The purpose of the hearing was to discuss the Aerial Space Protection Law, which, if passed, would make Mexico the first country to officially acknowledge the presence of aliens on Earth. The event was led by Mexican journalist and ufologist Jaime Maussan, who has been studying the extraterrestrial phenomenon for years.

One of the attendees was Ryan Graves, a former US Navy pilot and Executive Director of Americans for Safe Aerospace, who claimed to have encountered similar sightings during his flights.

The mummified specimens were displayed in windowed boxes during the hearing and were reportedly retrieved from Cusco, Peru. Maussan stated that these beings are not part of Earth's evolution and were not found after a UFO wreckage. Rather, they were discovered in diatom mines and later fossilized.