Although the murder rates in Chicago have dominated headlines in crime news, the city also has a lingering problem regarding robberies. Carjackings and armed robberies have been running rampant all over the city. Over 30 robberies have occurred in Chicago within 12 hours between Sunday and Monday. A news team attempted to report on the recent uptick in criminal activity, but instead, they inadvertently added to the numbers. The incident happened around 5 a.m. on 1200 North Milwaukee Avenue when a reporter and a photographer from the news crew were preparing to film a news segment. In an ironic twist of fate, three masked gunmen sprang from two nearby vehicles, a gray Sedan and a black SUV, and robbed them clean before making the dash. Ultimately, the perpetrators stole the new crew's cameras and personal belongings. No arrests have been made in connection to the incident.

According to reports, this marks the second time that a news crew was robbed while in the field during August.

Source: OutKick