Locals in Oruro (Bolivia) were left mystified after a string of slayings amongst their livestock left their cows, alpacas, and llamas lifeless in piles of blood. The bizarre entry wounds on the dead animals' necks and the fact that their carcasses were drained have once again fueled speculation about the existence of the Chupacabra. Stories of the vampire-like creature are said to have originated in parts of Puerto Rico and Mexico. Although many biologists have attributed the sightings to a simple case of hearsay or misidentification, multiple people throughout the U.S. and Latin America have claimed to witness the fanged beast firsthand with photographic evidence. The most recent case involves footage from a drone hovering over a farm area in Oruro, where an unidentified creature on two legs could be seen scampering across the field shortly after farmers discovered the dead livestock.  

Source: YouTube