On Thursday morning, the Mexican military engaged in a wild clash with the legendary Sinaloa cartel at the organization's home base in Culiacán. The primary objective of Mexico's government was to secure the capture of Ovidio Guzmán (aka El Ratón), a high-ranked drug lord who is one of El Chapo's six sons. According to reports, one of the most standout moments of the raid came when several cartel members began burning down vehicles and blocking roadways to their compound.  

Ovidio's arrest stems from a long line of joint-governmental efforts between Mexico and the United States of America to bring all of El Chapo's sons to justice. Thursday marks the second time that Mexico has apprehended Ovidio. Three years ago, the cartel overwhelmed law enforcement in Mexico and forced them to relinquish the 32-year-old.

Following his capture, Ovidio was transferred to a military base in Mexico City. The end result is considered a monumental political win for President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who continues his fight against drug trafficking and criminal organizations in his country. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and U.S. President Joe Biden are expected to discuss this matter in great detail during their meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau next Monday.


Source: The Guardian