Last Saturday, Lionel Messi led his country's national team to a 2-0 victory over Mexico (ranked #12 in the world) in their World Cup Matchup. The pivotal 'Group C' game helped Argentina (ranked #3 in the world) stave off elimination, as a loss to Mexico would have knocked them out of "The Group Stage." Lionel Messi scored one of his team's goals. Shortly after the game, video footage of the team's locker room celebration went viral, mainly because the legendary footballer appeared to be kicking a Mexico national soccer team jersey.

When the video clip landed on the radar of professional boxing's undisputed champion at the middle lightweight level, Canelo Álvarez (58-2-2), he did not take kindly to the questionable display as he believed it was intentionally disrespectful. 

"Vieron a Messi limpiando el piso con nuestra playera y bandera ????" Álvarez tweeted.

(In English: “Did you see Messi cleaning the floor with our shirt and flag????”)

The champ continued with another tweet, "Así como respeto Argentina tiene que respetar mexico!! no hablo del país(argentina) hablo de messi por su mamada que hizo."

(In English: “Just like I respect Argentina, he has to respect Mexico! I’m not talking about the country as a whole, just about the bulls*** that Messi pulled.”)

To that, Messi's former teammate, Sergio Leonel Agüero, tweeted at Canelo in an attempt to calm the matter by providing the iconic Mexican boxer with context about locker room dynamics.

"Señor canelo no busques excusas o problemas, seguramente no sabes de fútbol y que pasa en un vestuario. Las camisetas siempre después que se terminan los partidos están en el piso por el sudor y después si ves bien hace el movimiento para sacarse el botín y sin querer le da."

(In English: “Mr. Canelo, don’t look for excuses or problems, surely you don’t know about football and what happens in a changing room," Aguero tweeted via CNN. "The shirts are always on the floor after games have finished due to sweat, and then if you look properly, he makes the movement to remove his boot and accidentally hits it.”

Another one of Messi's ex-teammates, Cesc Fàbregas, also came to his defense by offering a similar explanation.

"TODAS las camisetas, incluso las que usamos nosotros mismos, se van al suelo y se lavan después. Y más cuando celebras una victoria important."

(In English: "ALL T-shirts, including the ones we use ourselves, go on the floor and are washed afterward")

Scroll up to watch the controversial clip.


Source: BroBible