Previously, Kanye West made an appearance on ‘Drink Champs’ and spoke about George Floyd, saying Floyd actually died from a drug overdose and pre-existing conditions like heart disease instead of former officer Derek Chauvin putting his knee in the neck of the man. Since then, Boosie has called out West for his comments.  

Boosie said, “@kanyewest U REALLY HAVE A DEEP HATRED [IN] YOUR HEART FOR BLACK PEOPLE!!” He continued, “First you said slavery was a choice, then white lives matter, now George Floyd. N AIN’T NOBODY GO TELL YO A** YOU SICK FOR DOING THIS TO OUR RACE smh.” Boosie concluded by saying, “WELL I AM #justdoit If you think you white JUST DO IT!!” 

This comes after West and Boosie exchanged words via social media following West sporting a 'White Lives Matter' shirt. Take a look above.