Last week, three customers at McDonald's learned a very hard life lesson about engaging in a fight with a  New Yorker who has a mysterious bag in their possession. In an on-camera incident that has since gone viral, three men could be seen punching a man in his face as the victim stood idly by with a look on his face as if he were unfazed, unamused, and flat-out bored with his attackers. When the bevy of punches finally stopped, the attackers backed off, allowing the victim to step back, unfasten his backpack and reach down inside...that's when the tables turned, and all of a sudden, the attackers who had been punching and taunting the victim were suddenly struck with fear as they anxiously waited to see what their victim was going to pull out of his bag. Much to their chagrin, it was an ax.

From there, the man who had spent the last couple of minutes as the victim suddenly turned into the aggressor as he went absolutely ballistic with his ax, destroying tables, walls, and everything else in his path. This prompted his attackers to raise their arms and plead with the ax-wielding man, signifying their surrender as they all back peddled towards various corners of the fast food restaurant in a desperate attempt to escape retaliation. 

This wild occurrence took place on Delancey Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The Ax-wielding individual has been identified as Michael Palacios (31), and he was arrested by the New York Police Department and charged with three counts of menacing and criminal mischief, along with two counts of criminal possession of a weapon.

For more on this story, click the link below.

Source: Fox News