This past fourth of July weekend was highlighted by a litany of patrons across America who came very close to setting themselves on fire after mishandling fireworks. Unfortunately for an officer from the Apopka Police Department, he may have set his career ablaze by showing up to the job while intoxicated. 

In the evening hours of the Fourth of July, officer Oscar Mayorga was pulled over by a pair of cops from the Eustis Police Department when they suspected that he had been driving while under the influence. The unusual traffic stop must have been a peculiar sight to see for any bystander who got to witness the occurrence, as Mayorga had been driving a patrol car while fully uniformed before he was impeded. The breath tests that followed resulted in a BAC of 0.391g/210L, which is practically five times above the legal limit point in the state of Florida. According to reports, Mayorga nearly stumbled to the ground seven times after being asked to step out of his vehicle; he also tried to mislead his fellow police officers about his behaviors, indicating that the reason why he appeared to be so discombobulated was that he took two Benadryl pills, but they quickly discovered that was a lie. 

“In our profession, you know it’s best to be honest, right?” Said one of the officers on the scene. “I smell the alcohol coming from your breath.”

At that point, Mayorga came clean with his fellow police officers and admitted that he drank three Modelos before attempting to drive himself to work. To that, his patrol car was confiscated, he was arrested, and his employers over at the  Apopka Police Department were alerted of his wrongdoing. This ultimately led to him being suspended without pay.

The traffic stop was captured on camera; scroll up to watch.

Source: Click Orlando