Today marks the first school day of a newly implemented law that states that students in Chicago can utilize up to five mental health days a year, in which they do not have to report to school.

The new regulation applies to all public school students who fit the age range of six to 17 years old. This law also stipulates that if a student requires more than the allotted amount of mental health days, the school board will be responsible for redirecting them to the appropriate health care provider. 

According to a report from the CDC, mental health cases amongst kids when up to 24 percent during the COVID-19 pandemic. It's also been widely reported that a number of kids and teens who are affected by gang violence in the Chicago area have suffered from PTSD. 

Therefore, this new legislation could go a long way in helping the kids in the public school system cope with their environment--especially the ones who live in the state's largest city.

Source: ABC News