According to reports, Michael Jordan’s son, Jeffrey Jordan, was accused of assaulting hospital staff while in Arizona this past Friday night. The incident allegedly occurred while Jordan was being treated for an injury he suffered while at a bar.

Jordan was reportedly at the Casa Amigos Bar in Scottsdale, Arizona, when he “fell and hit his head.” Police say Jeffrey Jordan became combative with security, who was trying to help him out of the bar to get medical attention.

The police were in the area for another unrelated call when asked to assist with the situation. The incident was noted to be a medical one, not a criminal one, which led to an ambulance being called for Jordan. Things allegedly got bad once Jordan got to the local hospital. Police noted a report was filed for felony aggravated assault. Sources stated that Jordan was confused and disoriented after the fall.

As a result of the incident, Jordan was arrested and booked for one count of aggravated assault of a healthcare professional. He has been released since then. Stay tuned for more updates.

source: TMZ