Part 30: John Salley on DMX Having 14 Kids: He Did What He Was Supposed to Do
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Part 28: John Salley on Friendship with Luther Vandross, Couldn't Come Out as Gay
Part 1: John Salley on Chris Paul Shutting Up Critics by Taking Suns to Finals


In this clip, John Salley addressed the legal situation surrounding Tory Lanez and Megan Thee Stallion, and he pointed that the LAPD is moving slowly when it comes to Tory. John then went back to debating with Vlad about artists coming out to the public, and Vlad stated that as long as artists continue to make hits, no one really cares. Moving along, John revealed that someone FaceTimed him asking if he would play the role of the gay uncle in a remake of "Modern Family." To hear why John turned down the role, hit the above clip.