Part 15: Boosie on Uzi's $24M Head Diamond: He Needs to Be Worth $250M to Do That
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Part 13: Boosie & Vlad Debate if Serena's White Husband Responsible for "Bleach" Pic
Part 1: Boosie on Young Thug Rapping He'll "Beat a Few Bodies Like Boosie" on 'Ski'


In this clip, Boosie spoke about being confused about white guys pulling some of the baddest Black women he's seen, and Black guys getting with "Miss Piggy"-looking white women. Boosie went on to speak about celebrities appearing to have bleached their skin, including Sammy Sosa, who Boosie says looks like a "cookies and cream" candy bar. To hear more, including Boosie telling Serena Williams that "we need you to look Black right now," hit the above clip.

Follow Boosie's new Instagram at @hesbackagain2021