Two Georgia men have been arrested for allegedly murdering Scarfo Da Plug in Los Angeles last month.

The Los Angeles Police Department believes the shooting death occurred during a robbery in the Fairfax district near Melrose Ave. Bystanders reported finding the 24-year-old rapper's body between two vehicles after his dead body was reportedly thrown out of a moving car. According to police, witnesses said they heard two or three gunshots before discovering Scarfo's body.

An FBI task force arrested 22-year-old Robert Aikens and 20-year-old Shidreyius McClinton the following day. However, the LAPD didn't announce the arrests until last week and did not disclose the reason for the FBI's involvement.

Despite Aikens and McClinton remaining in custody, the police are still investigating the murder as it may be tied to a string of additional violent robberies that have occurred in the area.

McClinton is reportedly in custody on $2 million bail, while inmate records have not listed Aikens' status.

Source: KTLA