In this VladTV exclusive, rising Philadelphia rap artist Poundside Pop detailed his rise in Hip Hop and his confrontation with Meek Mill. The rapper explained that his stage name comes from the North Philadelphia neighborhood where he was raised. He described his mother being in and out of jail and his father being absent from his life. He also explained how he avoided a criminal record despite getting involved in the streets at a young age.

Poundside Pop got into rap through his friend, who was tragically murdered. He revealed that he recorded his first songs at Ar-Ab's studio. After building a buzz he stated that he turned down Meek Mill's initial $10,000 offer to sign him. Poundside Pop addressed his Twitter exchange with Meek Mill after he offered to give Philly rapper records deals if they put aside their street issues. He concluded by saying what it would take to resolve his issues with Meek Mill and giving an update on his upcoming projects.