Part #5: Sad Boy Loko: Everything Prosecutors Presented was from My IG & Song Lyrics
Part #3: Sad Boy Loko on Pleading Guilty to Avoid Potentially Getting Life in Prison
Part #1: Sad Boy Loko on Facing Life Over 2017 Incident, Arrested in Front of His Kids


Sad Boy Loko described his release from jail as "heaven" after serving his time. He revealed that he's on parole for five years but can get off in three with good behavior. He stated that it's rare for someone in his position to not snitch, adding that it happens so much that people are no longer shocked when an inmate ends up in protective custody.

Sad Boy Loko also revealed that his contract with YG expired while he was locked up but they still remain cool with each other. He also explained why he released his recent single, "664 / 187 Attempted Murder." When speaking on incarceration, he said that he stopped writing letters to his family because the jail would hold them back in an attempt to "break" him. He also talked about the reason he refused to see his kids while locked up.