Part 14: Freeway Ricky: I Still Having Nightmares of Police Busting Me for Drug Dealing
Part 12: Freeway Ricky: Harry-O Shot His Cousin After He Robbed His Mom, He Lived
Part 1: Freeway Ricky on Predicting COVID-19 Would Impact Blacks the Worst


In this clip, Freeway Ricky talked about why he doesn't believe the drug trade will ever be quashed in the United States. He pointed out how drugs are able to seep into some of the most secure spaces in the country - maximum security prisons. Freeway Ricky recounted how he knew of a guy who overdosed on cocaine in solitary confinement.
Later, Freeway Ricky spoke about how seeing pregnant women smoke crack eventually forced him out of the drug game. He even opened up about his son's mother using crack while she was pregnant.