In a new interview with Variety, 50 Cent talked about "Power," wealth distribution, and Kanye West's involvement in this year's election. Known for his social media humor and trolling, 50 Cent also touched on cancel culture. 50 stated that cancel culture is unfair and that in order to truly get canceled, a person has to do something criminal.

"I’m an entertainer, so to entertain is, I believe, to provoke emotion...I don’t believe I can be canceled," 50 stated. "They gotta go to jail to get canceled, they gotta shoot a girl. You gotta do something extremely bad to be canceled, and I think it’s so unfair to the people that are canceled."

After explaining shock value in the Hip Hop community, the rapper and entrepreneur transitioned back to cancel culture and its attitude towards heterosexual men.

"If you say something about someone who chooses something different, there’s organizations set up to start sending things around to get signatures and stuff," 50 said. "And tell me this, as a heterosexual male, who’s going to send things around to get signatures based on your failures? There’s no one. There’s no organization. Certain demographics have been conditioned because they’ve been taken advantage of in the earliest stages. Once inferior, now they’re superior because we have no organization. The biggest target is heterosexual males in general."

Source: Variety