Part 10: Slim (112) Weighs In on "Bad Boy Curse", Leaving Puffy, Why 112 Broke Up
Part 8: Slim (112): Biggie Laughed at 2Pac's Parody of Him in Amerikaz Most Wanted
Part 1: Slim of 112 on His 12-Year-Old Sister Committing Suicide When He was 13


In this clip, Slim of 112 talked about his friendship with Shyne and working on his first album. Slim recounted the club shooting that eventually saw Puffy and Bad Boy sever ties with Shyne.
Later, Slim talked about the making of their third album and being nominated for a Grammy. He detailed how the group had a heavy hand in the writing and production of that album but also explained how that was also the beginning of the rift between the group and their former boss.