Part 11: Billy Ado: Shotti Started Yams Day Fight, ASAP Bari Punched Shotti
Part 9: Billy Ado & Seqo Billy Detail LAX Fight, Feel Tekashi Staged the Whole Thing
Part 1: Seqo Billy on Family Members Being Nine Trey Blood, Joining as a Kid


In this clip, Billy Ado and Seqo Billy speak about Mel Murda introducing them to a man named "CEO Chris" at Tekashi's "KEKE" video shoot. Seqo Billy then revealed that Chris tried to offer him a $250,000 deal to sign with his AP record label, which Seqo Billy explained he had never heard of, making him skeptical about the situation. Seqo Billy then revealed that he got paperwork on Chris being an informant and he turned down the deal, which you can hear more about above.