Update 05/17/2020 3:10pm:

Previously, ‘Pharma Bro’ and disgraced hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli asked a judge for early release from prison so that he can help find a cure for COVID-19. The one-time Wu-Tang Clan foe is currently serving a seven-year prison sentence and made it clear that he would be down to help out with the fight against coronavirus. Now, a judge has denied  Shkreli’s request to be released.

According to court documents, the judge on the case says the Pennsylvania correctional facility Shkreli is located at—FCI Allentown Low has no confirmed cases of coronavirus between the inmates or staff. Along with that, the court pointed out when the disgraced pharma bro tired to hike up the price of the Daraphim medicine from $13 a pill to $750 a pill. The court said that Shkreli’s claim that finding a cure has “so far eluded the best medical and scientific minds in the world working around the clock” is the “delusional self-aggrandizing behavior” that led to him getting locked up in the first place.

source: TMZ

Original 04/07/2020 3:16pm:

Previously, 'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli was hit with a lengthy seven-year prison sentence for securities fraud. Along with that, it was revealed that he would possibly have to hand over his rare Wu-Tang Clan album that he bought, and ultimately received a lot of backlash for, which included Ghostface calling him the "Michael Jackson-nosed kid." Now, Shkreli is asking that he be released from prison to assist with the fight against coronavirus.

The disgraced hedge fund manager shared a letter on his website that detailed what his goal was, saying I am asking for a brief furlough (3 months) to assist in research work on COVID-19. Being released to the post-COVID world is no solace to even the incarcerated.” Shkreli's lawyer gave his take on the move, saying, "left to his own devices, I believe Martin could cure cancer. Feel the same about coronavirus. Warehousing this genius instead of letting him help with the research, makes no sense whatsoever.”

Shkreli made it clear he has no plans on trying to make money from any COVID-19-related treatments he creates.

source: CBS News