As R. Kelly's reputation continues to be tarnished due to allegations of sexual abuse, the family of one of his alleged "hostages" has recently held a press conference to detail how the singer has ruined her life. 

At different points in the press conference, Joycelyn Savage's sisters spoke out about the alleged abuse, with one emphatically stating that "R. Kelly is mentally destroying her and she is not ok." Additionally, she notes that if Joycelyn was really as "fine" as she claimed to be, then she would have called home to tell us that directly.

Moments later, Joycelyn's youngest sister makes a direct plea for her to come home, while claiming that she hasn't been able to even speak to her in over two years. "It's very heartbreaking because I think she's being controlled," the young lady says, before noting that she wished she would at least call on her birthday or Christmas.

From there, her parents clearly state that they're not seeking any money from Kelly whatsoever, while all they want is to make sure that their daughter is safe and staying there on her own free will. "From day one all we wanted to do was to see our daughter, hear from our daughter, and make sure she's fine," her father said, "if she wanted to carry on a relationship with Mr. Kelly that would be her prerogative, but as a parent we want to make sure she's healthy, safe, and sound."

Within the 30-minute press conference, the family pleads with their daughter to at least communicate with them, all the while Kelly is publicly fighting off other allegations of alleged abuse against underage girls.

Source: YouTube