Responding to the outcry of criticism he's received for his interview with Kodak Black, Ebro took to the airwaves this morning (Dec. 13) to explain what his intentions were all along.

"I wanted to acknowledge that we live in a time, where time and time again, we are hearing about sexual assaults and the victims are the ones being attacked," Ebro said while emphasizing that he won't put his industry relationships before asking the important questions.

While his co-host, Peter Rosenberg, believed that Ebro could have handled the interview differently, he also agreed that "the idea that you can't bring it up because you don't want to offend the accused, that's an insane thought, we can't live in a world where you're scared to say the word sexual assault around someone who's accused of rape."

Furthermore, Laura Stylez was quick to remind everybody that his case is public knowledge, as a caller made the point that Kodak missed a potential opportunity to let the world knows that he feels sexual assault is wrong.

"I did not ask him about the case, I did not ask him details about the case," Ebro said in disbelief over the reaction, who also admitted that he followed Kodak into the hallway to "make sure he heard him right."

Ebro was adamant that he won't let anybody come into his home and disrespect his family, stating, "I don't need none of y'all rappers, we ain't have none of these rappers up here, none, zero, we have had success without a single one of y'all."
