Update 12/11/2018:

Only a day after the news broke that Nicki Minaj's new boyfriend is listed on the National Sex Offender Registry, comes an explanation from the singer who's now in full damage control on social media.

Responding to an Instagram post that questioned the validity of the charges because they're dated back to the mid-'90s, Nicki echoed that sentiment by insinuating that the viral story is really much ado about nothing. 

"He was 15, she was 16... in a relationship," Nicki writes in the post, "But go awf, Internet. Y'all can't run my life. Y'all can't even run y'all own life. Thank you boo."

She also posted photos of her and Petty on her Instagram page with the caption, "Oh they wanna talk? Let’s give’m smthn to talk about." 

Source: Instagram

Original 12/10/2018:

Nicki Minaj revealed the identity of her new boyfriend, Kenneth "Zoo" Petty, who was thrust into the spotlight.

While internet sleuths were busy digging up information on the 40-year-old father of five, it was revealed that Petty is on the sex offender registry. According to Hollywood Life, Petty was convicted of raping a 16-old-girl in 1995 when he was a teenager. 

Nicki seemingly responded to the reports on Twitter, writing, "No one on social media has ever sinned. They are all perfect. They piss champagne & walk on streets of gold. Everyone on social media is now a psychic. They not only tell the future, but the past too. They are your judge, jury & executioner. I never meet these perfect ppl in real life tho. They exist only on social media."