Trayon White Sr., a Democrat who won the Ward 8 seat in Washington D.C. in November 2016, is facing backlash after making comments about the Rothschilds.

In a video posted on Facebook that has since been deleted, White states, “Man it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation.” He continued on to say, "D.C. keeps talking about, ‘We a resilient city.' And that’s a model based on the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man. Be careful.”

The Rothschilds are one of the most wealthy families in the world. The family accumulated their wealth, starting with Mayer Amschel Rothschild, in the 18th-century. He was Jewish banker who lived in what is now Frankfurt, Germany. Several rumors surround the Rothschilds, claiming that they are worth over $500 trillion and control more than 80% of the world’s total wealth. Those statements are 100 percent false, and stem back to trumped-up rumors started in Germany pertaining to Jews with wealth. Anti-Semitic beliefs aimed to discredit the Jews, speculating that they couldn't be trusted with large amounts of money. It was beliefs like that that helped push the idea that items should be taken away from the Jews overseas... and we all know how fast that escalated.

“This kind of anti-Semitism is unacceptable in any public official. This so diminishes what America is about and adds to the oppressive feeling going on in the country right now,” Rabbi Daniel Zemel of Temple Micah Washington told The Washington Post, who broke the story.

White issued an apology on Sunday night on social media, writing, “The Jewish community have been allies with me in my journey to help people. I did not intend to be Anti-Semitic, and I see I should not have said that after learning from my colleagues."
