Nick Gordon's girlfriend, Laura Leal, has reportedly come forward to request that the no-contact order he was issued after his arrest for domestic violence, be lifted. In a letter that she submitted to a Seminole County court on Sunday, March 14, Leal blamed herself for the events that took place.

It was initially reported that police approached the couple in response to a call about Leal ripping Gordon's shirt and throwing a bottle at him in a fit of rage. However, Gordon wound up being the one that officers arrested. According to the report filed at the time, the call had been made to detain Gordon because Leal had a swollen lip with what appeared to be dried blood on it.

In her letter, Leal contends that one review of photos from that night would show that her lips were simply chapped. She also pointed out that there are no marks or bruises on her face, and poses that if anything, she was the aggressor in the situation.

"I am seeking help and determined to take the condition seriously as I have been diagnosed bipolar. He is not at blame, and should not be pushed into any trouble or consequences due to my actions," Leal told the judge.