According to the new scientific feature-length documentary from Brasil, Convex Earth: The Documentary, according to PR Newswire, the Earth is flat.

Brazilian scientists have been researching that phenomenon for seven years. Many governmental institutions and professional researchers from a variety of fields participated in this research as well.

Supposedly, the idea that the Earth is round has been refuted by a number of experiments. Some of the experiments included a geodesic experiment, using sea level as a reference, a laser experiment to ascertain the flatness of water surfaces, leveling of water surfaces, optical distortions relating to processes of reflection, an experiment with boats on the horizon line, and experiments involving gravity and heavenly bodies."

According to sources, to carry out the geodesic experiment, the base and the top of two buildings were measured, one in Torres, Rio Grande do Sul, and the other in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte.

Engineers at the National Institute of Land Settlement and Agrarian Reform (INCRA - Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária) took part in these activities. A long-range laser was used to measure the flatness of the waters at different locations.
