Oprah Winfrey once again insisted that she will not be running for president anytime soon.

“Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda recently sat down with the media mogul and basically pushed Oprah to once again assert her position on the matter. Miranda told her that the success of “Hamilton” has given him a voice, or “megaphone” as he described it to be a force of change in the world. He followed that statement by stating that “he’s not running for public office” and Oprah threw her hands up in the air before exclaiming, “I’m not either.” Their conversation continued after the audience and Miranda got a good laugh in.

The public took Oprah’s Golden Globes speech in January as a strong hint of her possible candidacy. Since the inspirational moment, Oprah and friends like Gayle King have said she will not pursue the highest office in the land. “She wasn’t writing [the speech] thinking, ‘I’m going to launch my presidential campaign,’ which, by the way, she’s not even thinking about having a presidential campaign. She wasn’t thinking in those terms,” said King last month on CBS This Morning. “She did not want it to be a political speech. She wanted it to be a uniting speech.” Her words mostly aligned her with the “#MeToo” movement and the fight for women in Hollywood to stop powerful men from abusing them sexually.

Source: youtu.be