Donald Trump has already calculated victory should a presidential matchup happen with him running against media mogul Oprah Winfrey.

On Sunday, Winfrey reignited optimism for a presidential run after delivering a moving speech discussing race and sexual harassment. While becoming the first African American to receive the Cecil B. DeMille award, Winfrey stated that “a new day is on the horizon,” leading many to think the phrase would be a perfect campaign slogan. The powerful speech seemed to connect with many who believe the country is divided.

Following the award show telecast, Donald Trump Jr. chose to call out NBC for a now-deleted Twitter post addressing Oprah as “our future president.”

Adding to the hysteria, Winfrey’s longtime partner, Stedman Graham Jr. told the Los Angeles Times she would ‘absolutely” run in 2020. However, Oprah's best friend Gayle King said the media giant has no plans to run for president.

However, on Tuesday, President Trump seem to brush off the threat of Winfrey being on the presidential ballot in 2020.

“Yeah, I'll beat Oprah. Oprah will be lots of fun,” Trump told reporters during a meeting at the White House. “I know her very well. I did one of her last shows… I like Oprah. I don’t think she’s going to run.”
