While many thought that New York City may be the most rat-infested city in America, it appears that Chicago is taking the crown for that title according to Orkin Pest Control. New York came second on the list of cities that contain the most rats.

Chicago’s frigid temperatures force rats to find a warm space and according to the National Pest Management Association, over 20 million rats invade residents’ homes every year.

The rat problem became such an ordeal in Chicago that Mayor Rahm Emanuel stepped in with a plan to combat the massive rodent issues. Emanuel proposed a spending increase of $500,000 for 2018 in terms of pest control, which would go towards five more crews of pest control workers dedicated to bringing the rat problem down.

With the addition of these five teams, that would bring the total to 30 teams in Chicago. Emanuel’s proposal also mentioned investing money into putting 96-gallon garbage carts on the street to hold trash securely in place and keep the rodents away. The trash cans would be heavy-duty, meaning that rats would not be able to chew through them.

Source: timeout.com