The divorce proceedings between Mike Epps and his wife Mechelle haven't gone any smoother since she demanded a settlement of $118.5 per month back in March. In fact, Michelle now claims that she's been cut off, and reportedly has suspicions that he's gone about doing so in an attempt to have her settle for less.

Mike is currently dealing with a $2.6 million debt with the IRS, which his lawyers say he must prioritize if he doesn't want his assets seized. He is thus offering to give her $26.5 thousand monthly in temporary spousal and child support, but Mechelle and her team aren't biting. "He has been paying our bills like always, until recently. Now he is cutting off my access to bank accounts and credit cards in an attempt to coerce me to settle,” says Mechelle.

Mechelle lists her mansion ($30k/month), nanny service ($3.5k/month), private schooling ($72k/month) and clothes ($5k-$10k/month) as expenses that she needs to maintain for her and the children. Since her wedding with Mike in 2005 she claims that he encouraged her to be a stay at home mother, thus her rationale for needing him to fully cover expenses. Mike and his team say that by focusing his finances on getting out of the hole with the IRS, they are only trying to look at the big picture.

“If granted, Mechelle’s requests for support and fees would be financially ruinous for this family, and therefore must be denied,” court documents cite Mike's attorneys as arguing.
