Donald Trump's wife Melania has found herself in hot water again.  Parts of her speech were stolen from Michelle Obama, she reportedly lied about graduating from college, her nude photos made the front page of the NY Post, and now she's rumored to be an illegal immigrant.

When GOP nominee Trump announced his candidacy for president in June 2015, one major aspect of his platform was his strict stance on immigration. "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," Trump infamously said in his announcement speech, ultimately calling immigrants "rapists." His plan to build a wall has been one of the most controversial.

With Trump feeling so strongly about immigration, the status of his non-American wife has taken center stage.

According to a deep-dive from Politico featuring input from "immigration experts," the narrative presented by the Trumps has some noticeable gaps. Comments from Melania herself suggest that, despite repeated insistences claiming otherwise, she may have been in the country on a short-term visa when shooting those infamous photos:

"If, as she has said, Trump came to New York in 1996 and obtained a green card in 2001, she likely would not have had to return to Europe even once to renew an H-1B."