Shortly after the release of Tupac's first album, 2Pacalypse, the rapper was brutally assaulted by police in Oakland, California. Rapper Mopreme Shakur - who was living with his step-brother at the time - says Tupac was making a trip to the bank when he returned home beaten up. In this exclusive clip, Mopreme takes us back to the assault that no one ever really speaks of.

Tupac - who didn't have an assistant at the time - walked to the bank to take care of some financial business when he was stopped by the cops for jaywalking. After making fun of his name, Tupac lashed out, resulting in the police beating him and scraping "his face on the cement," Mopreme tells us. He later added that Pac's injuries were "not too bad but they scarred his face in multiple places." Records show that Tupac sued and was rewarded a sum some time later.

Watch Mopreme Shakur tell the story above.