Mexican Grill Chipotle is currently in the process of suing R&B singer Frank Ocean.

According to TMZ, Ocean agreed to sing a jingle for the brand that came with a price tag of $425,000. He didn't, however like seeing the Chipotle logo at the end of the accompanying short film, which promoted an app about the dangers of factory farming. From TMZ:

"Chipotle claims Frank never recorded the track because when they showed him the final cut ... Frank was pissed the company's logo appeared at the end of the spot.

To reiterate ... he was mad Chipotle's logo was in a Chipotle advertisement.

The restaurant says it got an email from Frank's people claiming Frank thought he was promised final say over the recording and all promotional materials — and believed the company was in breach when it refused to remove its logo.

Chipotle is suing to get back the $212,500 advance it paid Ocean."

Ocean was replaced by Fiona Apple and the film was released last fall, check out the final cut above.

Frank Ocean has responded to the controversy with a Tumblr post that links to