Donald Trump announced that he is officially repealing President Obama's policy that eased restrictions on travel and trade between the U.S. and Cuba, on Friday, June 16. In doing so he laid out some of his conditions for normalizing relations with the communist-governed island, with one particular demand that is drawing a solid no from Black freedom fighters.

In light of the President's continual praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin and weeks removed from courting the repressive regime of Saudi Arabia, the President has declared that Obama's efforts to thaw decades-old Cold War tensions with Cuba only strengthens the Castro government and denies the Cuban people privileges afforded to citizens in the U.S. He says talks with Raul Castro will not begin until those classified by Washington to be political prisoners are released from jails on the island, and a multi-political party system based on free elections is instituted.

Lastly, on what was to be Tupac's 46th birthday Trump called for Cuba to extradite his godmother Assata Shakur, who he referred to by the government name of Joanne Chesimard. Assata has been living in Cuba since 1984 when Fidel Castro granted her asylum after she managed to elude authorities for five years following her 1979 escape from prison. Trump's reference to her as a "cop killer" is one that has been echoed by law enforcement in New Jersey since her 1977 conviction as an accomplice to the murders of an officer and a comrade, that resulted from a shootout set off by a stop initiated by New Jersey State Troopers.
