A young man named Jack was able to purchase the very first iPhone 6 out in Perth, Australia.  Jack showed true dedication to the new Apple product by sleeping outside of a local Apple Store in order to solidify his purchase.  Since he had the honor of being the first person to purchase the new highly anticipated smart phone, Jack earned himself an unboxing interview on Australia's Today Show, which is when everything went south.

Being that Jack was so excited to open his new purchase on live TV, he neglected to open the tightly sealed box carefully, and wound up dropping his brand new iPhone 6 on the concrete.  Every onlooker was left stunned by what happened, and when Jack picked it up he assured them that "it's all good!"  

However, Jack seemed to be rubbing at a potential scratch left on his new iPhone 6 screen.  Hopefully the phone didn't take too much damage from the fall.  Check out this unfortunate fail moment above.