Stunningly gorgeous singer Shakira probably expected her trip to Cape Town, South Africa, to be tranquil and fun.  What she got instead was a shocking experience with all the potential to end up on the "World's Wildest Animal Attacks" TV show.  While getting up close and personal with a group of sea lions and seals, Shakira happily took pictures and was enjoying her time when the unthinkable happened:

A sea lion sprung out of the water at rapid speed and tried to bite her!

Shakira described her reaction as being "paralyzed by fear".  Apparently, the other tourists were also frightened for they screamed at the sight.  Her brother Tony, on the other hand, reacted as heroes do and instinctively jumped to help his sister.  Pulling her away from the sea lion attack, both Shakira and brother Tony escaped with only scratches from the rocks in their attempt to flee.

Shakira was very shaken up by the attack but also very grateful to her brother.  She did reveal a picture of her hand with a visible scrape on it from the incident, but managed to enjoy the rest of her day with some lovely penguins.
