Since Nicki Minaj blew up into super stardom Lil Mama has claimed that she's been swagger jacked. She's now saying that if the two went toe-to-toe, it would end tragically like Biggie and Tupac.

"If we decided to go at each other and then somebody ended up dead, everybody in hip-hop would be like, 'Oh my God, it's so sad what happened to them.'" Lil Mama tells XXL. "It's just like what happened with Pac and Biggie. The same people that promote it and it's sad."

However, Lil Mama assures fans that she and Nicki don't have any animosity towards one another.

"She came to my show... the greeting was beautiful. It was like, 'Hi beautiful, how are you?' you know what I mean. It wasn't like 'Hi,' and then the name calling or screwed up face or anything negative. If someone has something negative to say about you or they don't like you, they wouldn't greet you and say, 'Hello beautiful."

Do you think a Nicki/Lil Mama beef would blow up into anything?
