When you have as much money as Floyd Mayweather, enduring stressful bumper-to-bumper traffic is simply out of the question at times, and when you have the ability to drop racks on a private jet to get you from point "A" to point "B" swiftly, the decision to fly or drive becomes a "no-brainer." 

Floyd recently attended the Los Angeles Lakers vs. Phoenix Suns preseason game in Anaheim, California, and decided that he'd much rather fly to the venue than sit through a rough 45-minute trip on the road through congested LA traffic.  So, he dug into his "TMT" bank and dropped over $7,000 on a Sikorsky S-76 private helicopter to avoid the hassle of moving at turtle speed through the traffic.  Despite the hefty bill for the ride, Floyd was very happy with his decision and would most likely do it again if the same predicament presented itself in the future.

Check out Floyd Mayweather riding high in his $7,000 private helicopter to watch the Lakers vs Suns game in the above slide.

Source: InFlexWeTrust