Extremist group Westboro Baptist Church wants to put an end to the media once and for all.

According to the Huffington Post, the group released a press release last week for their "God Hates the Media Tour." They explain that the protest, scheduled for August 12, will be a statement against a few things, including the media spreading sin.

The church, located in Topeka, Kansas, plans to picket some of the top tech companies, with Google, YouTube, Skype, Twitter, and Instagram being some of the names on the lengthy list.

While the group protests, they plan to use tools like Facebook and Twitter to share their views.

The group is widely known for their stance against the LGBT community and other religious groups.

Some are skeptical of the planned protest because of its irrational schedule, and believe it won't happen at all.

Take a look at some of the details surrounding the protest in the flyer above.

Source: Huffington Post | Main Photo Credit: Comestarmoon