A man from Buffalo, NY is looking to sue Starbucks for $15 million after his drink was allegedly filled with drugs.

According to TMZ, Vernon Charles Allen Merriweather claims he ordered Oprah's signature chai tea in the fall of last year and the baristas spat racial slurs at him along with hallucinogens, heroin and Ambien.

He also claims that the baristas told him during another visit for employment that "they don't hire n*******."

A few flaws in the lawsuit have lawmakers uninterested in the case, like how Merriweather's choice of tea wasn't in stories around the time he says the drink was spiked.

Merriweather has also targeted Oprah and two colleges in Buffalo for his $15 million lawsuit. In addition to the reward, he wants everyone to be trained in diversity training.

Source: TMZ  | Photo Credit: Noel Reinhold