It's been over twenty years since the release of Jurassic Park, but a photo of Steven Spielberg posing with a downed Triceratops on set went viral this week. An Internet humorist by the name of Jay Branscomb posted a photo of the famed director with the caption, "Disgraceful photo of recreational hunter happily posing next to a Triceratops he just slaughtered. Please share so the world can name and shame this despicable man."

The photo was shared on Facebook thousands of times, and sadly some people didn't get the joke. Users were commenting under the page about how Spielberg shouldn't have shot the animal, and how poachers should be stopped. 

After the dinosaur photo went viral, Branscomb posted another image of Spielberg sitting atop Jaws with the caption, "Folks, we need your help identifying the vicious shark-killer shown posing with his illegal prey. Sharks are essential to the eco-system and their waters are protected off the coast of California. If you have any knowledge of this fiend's identity or whereabouts, please contact authorities immediately."

Troll of the century? We're not sure, but you can check out the images in the above slide and judge for yourself. 

Source: Daily Mail