Despite most people struggling to make even $40k over the course of an entire year, the fact that Mimi Faust and Nikko were allegedly paid $100,000 for the steamy shower rod sex tape has caused Twitter to unload jokes on the reality TV stars.  There are other rumors that have been floating around that the pair was paid anywhere between $5 million - $10 million; however, none of these monetary figures have been officially confirmed just yet, although Twitter has already decided to believe the lowest number possible and poke fun at it.

Many people have been criticizing Mimi's decision to release the sex tape and "sell her soul" for only $100,000.  Some people feel that the money is not going to last long, and they hope that she gets business deals with shower rod products to help her increase her revenue.  Others believe that $100,000 is not enough money to warrant releasing a sex tape when you have a child to raise.  There were, of course, a few supporters of her decision to take the money and run with it.

In the end, it remains unclear exactly how much Mimi and Nikko were paid, but for now, check out the reactions to their rumored $100,000 paycheck above.
