Newark, NJ Mayor and Senate hopeful Cory Booker has reportedly been carrying on a flirtatious online relationship with a Portland, OR stripper named "Lynsie Lee." She exposed the private messages between the two after one of Booker's followers was bragging about how she and Cory message all the time. 

Booker's rep asserts the whole situation is being looked at in the wrong way, and claims that the mayor talks to people from all walks of life. Lynsie, who works at a vegan club called "Casa Diablo," says that the message posted online came after she told Booker the West Coast loved him, especially her.

The Senate hopeful direct messaged her, saying "The East Coast loves you, and by the East Coast, I mean me."

Lynsie and Cory initially met when they were in the same film about Twitter called "Friday: The Film." They've been casually tweeting at each other since then, and some of the messages were flirtatious. 

Check out the messages and more photos of Lynsie in the above slide:  
