Miguel has been on a press run for the upcoming release of his new album War and Leisure, and has not been holding back on his past and what he sees for his future. Via an interview with The Guardian, Miguel revealed how he was able to get past the issues he had with Frank Ocean. In the past, Miguel delivered some harsh words towards Ocean in the press after his album was beat out for a Grammy by Ocean’s Channel Orange. Miguel previously told the Sunday Times, “I wouldn't say we were friends. To be completely honest—and no disrespect to anyone—I genuinely believe that I make better music, all the way around."

Since then, Miguel has offered some kinder words towards the situation. He told Guardian, “Egos are a crazy thing. The version of myself I was two, three, four years ago, even last week, is different to who I am today. That's not who I am. And I'm a big fan of his music and his creativity; we need more people out there doing that.” Miguel went on to say that he and Ocean are pushing for two different things out of their art, with his own goal being to “reach the world.”

Source: complex.com