Getting a tattoo can be a very painful process. Although Boonk is tatted up, he was screaming at the top of his lungs while getting some new ink.

Earlier this week, the young rapper was getting a tattoo in a Los Angeles bathroom. As the tattoo artist began to work, Boonk clenched a towel rod with one hand and smoked with the other. " I’m going thru it rn fucking wit @torasonh Moomma whea you at !!" , Boonk captioned the video clip on Instagram. During the tattoo session, Boonk cursed repeatedly reminding the tattoo artist that he was "skinny as f***"" and that the needles were hard. The tattoo artist replied "I got you bro", but that didn't seem to calm Boonk down. Of course, the clip went viral with over one million views.

Boonk regularly shares wild videos on Instagram with his fans, also known as #BoonkGang. The "Muttin" rapper was recently spotted in New York City, where he destroyed a street vendor table. He was running around shirtless on the streets of Manhattan and dived into a street vendor's table. Boonk and the cameraman immediately took off after the random act. Boonk also grabbed his fan's attention when he collapsed at an airport after eating a hot pepper!

Watch Boonk get a new tattoo above.
