A Mississippi grade school teacher who was recently exposed for posting a racist statement on social media has been fired pending appeal.

Cammie Rone teaches second grade at Batesville Intermediate School by day, and according to her, spends nights sharing content on new cuisines and interior decorating. But according to a group of parents who got the word out about a since-deleted Facebook post that they managed to circulate a snapshot of, Rone has also spent her off time projecting ignorance and intolerance of the very same African American people who make up a strong demographic of the children she serves.

“If blacks in this country are so offended, no one is forcing them to stay here,” Rone is reported as having written up on her wall. “Why don’t they pack up and move back to Africa where they will have to work for a living. I am sure our government will pay for it! We pay for everything else.” After finding herself being quoted in the headlines, Rone claimed she must have been hacked because all she ever takes to the website to contribute are photos, videos, and information on “cows, recipes and home improvements." She has up until this point rejected the charges being made against her.

While the South Panola School District's policies stipulate that “Unseemly dress, conduct or the use of abusive, foul or profane language in the presence of students is expressly prohibited and will not be tolerated,” it also adds clarity on how even behaving in violation of the policy, while off from the job, can impact a decision to suspend or dismiss an employee, stating: “With the prevalence of technology and social networking, professional conduct must be maintained in these arenas as well to protect individuals’ rights and the integrity of the institution.”

Source: NY Daily News