During an appearance on Larry King Now, Chicago rapper Vic Mensa spoke about the violence in his hometown of Chicago and how politics play into the situation. When asked if President Donald Trump is a disappointment, the rapper went on to say that, "I think he's as expected. I would say that he's clearly in office for his personal gain and for his financial gain, and we don't know the full game yet, but there's a lot of nepotism going on."

Larry countered his argument asking didn't Obama do that. "I don't really believe so. I lived, I live five or six blocks away from Barack Obama's home. And so, I watched my neighborhood not improve and my city not improve. And my community not improved," explained Mensa. In elaborating on his answer he says Obama's agenda may not have been for the people and as president, he was too careful with what he said regarding race and violence in Chicago.

Source: trib.al